Books  [Mark L. Murphy] Elements of Kotlin Coroutines

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Coroutines are an important addition to the world of Kotlin.

Coroutines offer a first-class reactive programming approach, tightly integrated with the language itself. Coroutines help simplify multi-threaded development, allowing you to retain a "normal" imperative sort of programming model while still designating certain code sections to run on alternative thread pools. Beyond that, flows and channels let you model data streams while retaining the same multi-threaded characteristics.

This book is designed to help you get “spun up” on coroutines and how they can be applied in your projects.

Most of the sample code from the book is...

Books  [Stack Overflow Contributors] Learning Kotlin

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Discover Kotlin the simple way while creating an Android App.

Kotlin is the brand-new main language to create Android Application, and thanks to this book, you'll be writing code in no time. Straight to the point, practical as well as filled with instances, it will certainly show you the language while creating an Android Application. Discover the Kotlin and also begin enjoying Android growth once more with this effective and also modern-day language.



Books  [Alvin Alexander] Kotlin Quick Reference

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This book is intended to provide a quick reference to the Kotlin programming language. The idea is to show Kotlin syntax and examples with as few words as possible so that experienced developers who are new to Kotlin can find what they need quickly.

The target audience for this book is someone who already knows languages like Java and Scala and just needs a very quick reference to Kotlin’s syntax and some corresponding examples so they can be productive.

Each chapter in the book demonstrates Kotlin syntax and provides examples to explain the chapter’s topic. This is done in a brisk manner, with as few words as necessary.

About the...

Books  [Mark L. Murphy] Elements of Kotlin

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The programming language for the first generation of Android app development was Java.

The programming language that will dominate the second generation of Android app development will be Kotlin.

This introductory book to Kotlin focuses on helping existing programmers get up to speed on reading and writing Kotlin code. Particular emphasis is placed on the sorts of syntax and language capabilities that most Kotlin developers will need, with light coverage of the advanced capabilities that allow library developers to create easy-to-use APIs.

About the Authors
  • Mark Murphy is the founder of CommonsWare and the author of the...

Books  [The Julia Project Contributors] The Julia Language

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Inside this book, you'll find step-by-step instructions, real-world case studies, and practical exercises that guide you from the basics of Julia syntax to advanced topics like object-oriented and functional programming.



Books  [Jeff Bezanson, Alan Edelman, Stefan Karpinski, Viral B. Shah] Julia: A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing

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[Jeff Bezanson, Alan Edelman, Stefan Karpinski, Viral B. Shah] Julia: A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing



Books  [Giray Okten] First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia

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This book presents the theory and methods, together with the implementation of the algorithms using the Julia programming language. The book covers computer arithmetic, root-finding, numerical quadrature and differentiation, and approximation theory.

The reader is expected to have studied calculus and linear algebra. Some familiarity with a programming language is beneficial, but not required.

The programming language Julia will be introduced in the book. The simplicity of Julia allows bypassing the pseudocode and writing a computer code directly after the description of a method while minimizing the distraction the presentation of a...

Books  [Jose Storopoli, Rik Huijzer, Lazaro Alonso] Julia Data Science

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This book describes the basics of the Julia programming language DataFrames.jl for data manipulation and Makie.jl for data visualization.

You will learn to:
  • Read CSV and Excel data into Julia.
  • Process data in Julia, that is, learn how to answer data questions.
  • Filter and subset data.
  • Handle missing data.
  • Join multiple data sources together.
  • Group and summarize data.
  • Export data out of Julia to CSV and Excel files.
  • Plot data with different Makie.jl backends.
  • Save visualizations in several formats such as PNG or PDF.
  • Use different plotting functions to make diverse data visualizations...

Books  [Ben Lauwens, Allen Downey] Think Julia: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

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If you’re just learning how to program, Julia is an excellent JIT-compiled, dynamically typed language with a clean syntax. This hands-on guide uses Julia 1.0 to walk you through programming one step at a time, beginning with basic programming concepts before moving on to more advanced capabilities, such as creating new types and multiple dispatch.

Designed from the beginning for high performance, Julia is a general-purpose language ideal for not only numerical analysis and computational science but also web programming and scripting. Through exercises in each chapter, you’ll try out programming concepts as you learn them. Think Julia...

Books  [Tim Wright] Learning Javascript: A Hands-On Guide to the Fundamentals of Modern Javascript

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Get Started Fast with Modern JavaScript Web Development!

With the arrival of HTML5, jQuery, and Ajax, JavaScript web development skills are more valuable than ever! This complete, hands-on JavaScript tutorial covers everything you need to know now. Using line-by-line code walkthroughs and end-of-chapter exercises, top web developer and speaker Tim Wright will help you get results fast, even if you’ve never written a line of JavaScript before.

Smart, friendly, enthusiastic, and packed with modern examples, Learning JavaScript covers both design-level and development-level JavaScript. You’ll find expert knowledge and best practices for...

Books  [Satyapriya Mishra, Bhanu Maniktahla] Most Essential Concepts Of JavaScript

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The book does not cover the end to end explanation of the concepts of the language, but it tries to touch upon the most important and the quirkiest parts of JavaScript language. The concepts explained in this book are not in any particular order of representation, but they are presented as independent articles/sections to facilitate the user of going through topics of their choice.



Books  [Danny Goodman, Michael Morrison] JavaScript Bible 4th Edition

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  • This new edition of the definitive guide to JavaScript has been revamped to cover the latest browsers, language updates, extensions, and JavaScript standards
  • Part tutorial and part reference, the book serves as a learning tool for building new JavaScript skills and a detailed reference for seasoned JavaScript developers
  • Danny Goodman's exclusive interactive workbench, The Evaluator, makes it easy to master JavaScript and DOM concepts
  • Offers deployment strategies that best suit the user's content goals and target audience
  • Bonus CD-ROM is packed with advanced content for the reader who wants to go an extra step

Books  [Axel Rauschmayer] Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide for Programmers

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Like it or not, JavaScript is everywhere these days―from browser to server to mobile―and now you, too, need to learn the language or dive deeper than you have. This concise book guides you into and through JavaScript, written by a veteran programmer who once found himself in the same position.

Speaking JavaScript helps you approach the language with four standalone sections. First, a quick-start guide teaches you just enough of the language to help you be productive right away. More experienced JavaScript programmers will find a complete and easy-to-read reference that covers each language feature in depth.

Complete contents...

Books  [Joe Morgan] Simplifying JavaScript: Writing Modern JavaScript with ES5, ES6, and Beyond

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The best modern JavaScript is simple, readable, and predictable. Learn to write modern JavaScript not by memorizing a list of new syntax, but with practical examples of how syntax changes can make code more expressive. Starting from variable declarations that communicate intention clearly, see how modern principles can improve all parts of code. Incorporate ideas with curried functions, array methods, classes, and more to create code that does more with less while yielding fewer bugs.

It's time to write JavaScript code that's clean and exprssive. Modern JavaScript is simpler and more predictable and readable than ever. Discover how to...

Books  [Taye Abidakun] JavaScript Simplified

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After raising hundreds of software engineers in the classroom, I realized the need to pass my simplistic approach of teaching JavaScript to a greater number of people. The approach used in this textbook was tested for 3 years in the classroom and it produced outstanding results. Are you giving up on JavaScript?Read this book and see how simple JavaScript is.



Books  [Richard E. Silverman] Git Pocket Guide: A Working Introduction

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This pocket guide is the perfect on-the-job companion to Git, the distributed version control system. It provides a compact, readable introduction to Git for new users, as well as a reference to common commands and procedures for those of you with Git experience.

Written for Git version 1.8.2, this handy task-oriented guide is organized around the basic version control functions you need, such as making commits, fixing mistakes, merging, and searching history.
  • Examine the state of your project at earlier points in time
  • Learn the basics of creating and making changes to a repository
  • Create branches so many people can work...

Books  [Karl Fogel, Moshe Bar] Open Source Development with CVS, 3rd Edition

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Open Source Development with CVS, Third Edition, is an updated edition of the best-selling guide to the most widely used version control software for open source developers. This new edition has been enhanced with more value-added material covering third-party tools, remote operation, scalability, client access limits, BitKeeper, and overall server administration for CVS.



Books  [Per Cederqvist] Version Management with CVS - The CVS Manual

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This manual describes how to use CVS, a powerful version control system. CVS tracks changes to source code and documents, allowing previous versions to be recovered at any time. Releases and branches can be tagged with symbolic names to record sets of files for permanent reference. CVS supports many advanced features including branching and merging, export and patch file generation, and tracking of third party sources (vendor branches). CVS can increase the efficiency of development teams by allowing concurrent development. CVS uses a conflict detection algorithm to allow multiple developers to work on the same files simultaneously. CVS...

Books  [Jennifer Vesperman] Essential CVS: Version Control and Source Code Management 2nd Edition

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This easy-to-follow reference shows a variety of professionals how to use the Concurrent Versions System (CVS), the open source tool that lets you manage versions of anything stored in files. Ideal for software developers tracking different versions of the same code, this new edition has been expanded to explain common usages of CVS for system administrators, project managers, software architects, user-interface (UI) specialists, graphic designers and others.
Current for version 1.12, Essential CVS, 2nd Edition offers an overview of CVS, explains the core concepts, and describes the commands that most people use on a day-to-day basis...

Books  [Joseph D. Booth] GitHub Succinctly

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GitHub offers unparalleled access for developers to work on projects together, bridging geographical divides to bring teams together. Whether you are an individual developer looking to explore new projects, post your own, or provide your company with a safe place to work, Joseph D. Booth’s GitHub Succinctly will help you get started.

Table of Contents:
  1. Git - A Brief Overview
  2. Getting Started
  3. Installing Git
  4. Searching GitHub
  5. Advanced Searching
  6. Other Searches
  7. Browsing GitHub
  8. Issues—In Detail
  9. Viewing a Project
  10. Obtaining the Code
  11. Collaboration
  12. Pull Request

Books  [Ben Lynn] Git Magic

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Git is a version control Swiss army knife. A reliable versatile multipurpose revision control tool whose extraordinary flexibility makes it tricky to learn, let alone master. As Arthur C. Clarke observed, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. This is a great way to approach Git: newbies can ignore its inner workings and view Git as a gizmo that can amaze friends and infuriate enemies with its wondrous abilities. Rather than describe one mysterious command after another, we provide recipes for typical workflows. After repeated use, you will inevitably gain proficiency with Git...

Books  [Joseph Wynn] A Hacker's Guide to Git

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Complex systems like Git become much easier to understand once you understand how they work under the hood. This guide explains some of Git's core concepts including basic object storage, commits, branches and tags. It also contains in-depth explanations about the different kinds of merging in Git, including the much-feared rebase.

Git is currently the most widely used version control system in the world, mostly thanks to GitHub. Complex systems like Git become much easier to understand once you figure out how they really work. The goal of this guide is to shed some light on how Git works under the hood...

Books  [William Nagel] Subversion Version Control

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In any software development project, many developers contribute changes over a period of time. Using a version control system to track and manage these changes is vital to the continued success of the project. This book introduces you to Subversion, a free, open-source version control system, which is both more powerful and much less complex than its predecessor CVS.

In this practical, hands-on guide, you will learn how to use Subversion and how to effectively merge a version control system within your development process. As a seasoned Subversion user, William Nagel draws on lessons learned through trial and error, providing useful...
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