Здоровье / Внешний вид  [А.Шевченко, А.Гострый, А.Тарасевич, Л.Селедцова] [УОМ] Функциональное тело (2023)

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Погрузитесь в новую парадигму фитнеса, которая позволяет достичь результатов через слаженную работу с организмом, а не изнуряющие тренировки и диеты

О мини-курсе:

Сборник лекций о функциональном фитнесе, спортивной нутрициологии, питании и приеме нутрицевтиков. Вы узнаете об особенностях занятий в старшем возрасте, при беременности и нарушениях опорно-двигательного аппарата, ожирении, а также адаптационном периоде для новичков, спорных методах фитнеса и ошибках в питании спортсменов

Урок 1 - 3. Новая парадигма фитнеса

  • Принципиальные отличия функционального фитнеса от «обычного»
  • Ликбез по направлениям и...

Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Венера Хабирова] «Антистресс для ЖКТ?» или Моя вегетатика – ты как? (2024)

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29 января
Если коротко – это тема для ВСЕХ моих читателей и пациентов!

Если уже восстанавливаете ЖКТ, но постоянно ловите "побочки":

  • "Меняю питание, физнагрузку, пью дорогущие нутрицевтики – а минимально стресс и привет откат.."
  • Нет нормального эффекта ни от одного нутрицевтика или наоборот – ооочень выраженные побочки – жжет слизистую, идёт горечь, вздутия, диарея и запор – хотя питаюсь правильно!
  • Начинаю желчегонить, пью хорошие горечи, а получаю только жгучую боль в эпигастрии и рефлюкс..
Если по состоянию души и тела у вас:
  • Ощущение, что разваливаюсь
  • "Нет сил"
  • Плохо засыпаю и если и засну, то...

Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Элисо Джобава] Полипы и гиперплазия эндометрия (2023)

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Полипы и гиперплазия эндометрия [Элисо Джобава]

Проект для тех, кто столкнулся с диагнозом «Полипы и/или гиперплазия эндометрия» и хочет держать его под контролем.

Когда стоит идти?
У вас есть диагноз «полипы полости матки и/или гиперплазия эндометрия», впервые или повторно выявленные
Вы хотите получить информацию о современном лечении и не допустить рецидива, если ранее уже лечились
Вы готовы менять свой образ жизни и мыслей раз и навсегда.

В курсе я расскажу вам о том, когда можно заподозрить такую патологию.
Почему важно ее лечить и не пропускать.
Подробно расскажу о причинах ее появления и методах их лечения...

Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Анастасия Лунегова] Клуб осознанных тренировок. Январь (2024)

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Клуб осознанных тренировок. Январь 2024 [Анастасия Лунегова]

Клуб Осознанных Тренировок

система, которая дает результаты
Создайте тело своей мечты. Тренировки любого уровня сложности, безопасные для суставах
Стройное и здоровое тело за 40 минут в день.

Клуб Осознанных Тренировок
это фитнес-клуб у вас дома, в котором никогда не скучно. 1000 человек ежедневно тренируется вместе
Выбирай свой уровень нагрузки: для новичков или продвинутых и двигайся по готовому плану
Тренируйтесь по записанным урокам или в режиме реального времени с другими участниками клуба. Все эфиры сохраняем в записи (доступны в личном кабинете)
Не тратьте время...

Восстановление ссылок в боте

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Приветствую! Подскажите, пожалуйста, как теперь отправить запрос на восстановление битой ссылки в боте? Написано, что восстановление теперь через форум, но этого курса здесь нет

Books  [Kim Walden, Jean-Marc Nerson] Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture: Analysis and Design of Reliable Systems

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In the demanding world of software development, the object-oriented technique stands out in its potential for software reuse and in its potential to turn the analysis, design and implementation of general software systems into a truly seamless process.

This book shows how a consistent set of object-oriented abstractions can be applied throughout the process, based on three major ideas: seamlessness, reversibility, and contracting.

This book focuses on Business Object Notation approach and includes case studies, exercises and comprehensive appendices.

The book is intended for software professionals as well as for students at the...

Books  [Dennis deChampeaux, Doug Lea, Penelope Faure] Object-Oriented System Development

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With this book, software engineers, project managers, and tool builders will be able to better understand the role of analysis and design in the object-oriented (OO) software development process. This book presents a minimum set of notions and shows the reader how to use these notions for OO software construction. The emphasis is on development principles and implementation.

It is intended to help the reader better understand the role of analysis and design in the object-oriented software development process. Experiments to use structured analysis and design as precursors to an object-oriented implementation have failed. The...

Books  [Scott Oaks] Java Security (2nd Edition)

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One of Java's most striking claims is that it provides a secure programming environment. Yet despite endless discussion, few people understand precisely what Java's claims mean and how it backs up those claims. If you're a developer, network administrator or anyone else who must understand or work with Java's security mechanisms, Java Security is the in-depth exploration you need. Java Security, 2nd Edition, focuses on the basic platform features of Java that provide security--the class loader, the bytecode verifier, and the security manager--and recent additions to Java that enhance this security model: digital signatures, security...

Books  [Gary McGraw, Edward W. Felten] Securing Java: Getting Down to Business with Mobile Code

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As Java matures and moves into the enterprise, security takes a more prominent role. But as Java evolves, its security issues and architectures get more complicated. Written by the world's leading experts on mobile code security, this updated and expanded edition of the groundbreaking guide to Java security includes lessons for Web users, developers, system administrators, and business decision-makers alike.

This book navigates the uncharted waters of mobile code security and arms the reader with the knowledge required for securing Java. It provides in-depth coverage of:
  • The base Java security sandbox, made up of the...

Books  [Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates] Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam

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Looking to study up for the new J2EE 1.5 Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) exam?

This book will get you way up to speed on the technology you'll know it so well, in fact, that you can pass the brand new J2EE 1.5 exam. If that's what you want to do, that is. Maybe you don't care about the exam, but need to use servlets and JSPs in your next project. You're working on a deadline. You're over the legal limit for caffeine. You can't waste your time with a book that makes sense only AFTER you're an expert (or worse, one that puts you to sleep).

Learn how to write servlets and JSPs, what makes a web container tick (and what...

Books  [Glenn Johnson] Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

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Designed to help experienced programmers develop real-world, job-role-specific skills—this Training Guide focuses on creating applications with HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3. Build hands-on expertise through a series of lessons, exercises, and suggested practices—and help maximize your performance on the job.
  • Provides in-depth, hands-on training you take at your own pace
  • Focuses on job-role-specific expertise for using HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 to begin building modern web and Windows 8 apps
  • Features pragmatic lessons, exercises, and practices
  • Creates a foundation of skills which, along with on-the-job experience, can...

Books  [Jeremy Keith] HTML5 for Web Designers

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HTML5 is the longest HTML specification ever written. It is also the most powerful, and in some ways, the most confusing. What do accessible, content-focused standards-based web designers and front-end developers need to know? And how can we harness the power of HTML5 in today’s browsers?

HTML5 isn't as confusing as it once was, but it still isn't straightforward. It's an evolutionary, rather than revolutionary, change in the ongoing story of markup—and if you're currently creating websites with any version of HTML, you're already using HTML5. Harness the power of this essential evolving spec with help from Jeremy Keith. Brush up on...

Books  [Jason Swartz] Learning Scala: Practical Functional Programming for the JVM

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Why learn Scala? You donâ??t need to be a data scientist or distributed computing expert to appreciate this object-oriented functional programming language. This practical book provides a comprehensive yet approachable introduction to the language, complete with syntax diagrams, examples, and exercises. Youâ??ll start with Scala's core types and syntax before diving into higher-order functions and immutable data structures.

Author Jason Swartz demonstrates why Scalaâ??s concise and expressive syntax make it an ideal language for Ruby or Python developers who want to improve their craft, while its type safety and performance ensures...

Books  [Dean Wampler, Alex Payne] Programming Scala: Scalability = Functional Programming + Objects, 3 edition

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Get up to speed on Scala, the JVM language that offers all the benefits of a modern object model, functional programming, and an advanced type system. Packed with code examples, this comprehensive book shows you how to be productive with the language and ecosystem right away, and explains why Scala is ideal for today's highly scalable, data-centric applications that support concurrency and distribution.

This second edition covers recent language features, with new chapters on pattern matching, comprehensions, and advanced functional programming. You’ll also learn about Scala’s command-line tools, third-party tools, libraries, and...

Books  [Dean Wampler, Alex Payne] Programming Scala: Scalability = Functional Programming + Objects

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Get up to speed on Scala, the JVM language that offers all the benefits of a modern object model, functional programming, and an advanced type system. Packed with code examples, this comprehensive book shows you how to be productive with the language and ecosystem right away, and explains why Scala is ideal for today's highly scalable, data-centric applications that support concurrency and distribution.

This second edition covers recent language features, with new chapters on pattern matching, comprehensions, and advanced functional programming. You’ll also learn about Scala’s command-line tools, third-party tools, libraries, and...

Books  [Wikibooks Contributors] Scala: A Pragmatic Programming Language

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This book is a comprehensive tutorial that introduces Scala through clear explanations and numerous hands-on examples. Because Scala is a rich and deep language, it can be daunting to absorb all the new concepts at once.



Books  [Noel Welsh, Dave Gurnell] Scala with Cats

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The main goal of this book is to teach system architecture and design using the techniques of modern functional programming. This means designing systems as small composable units, expressing constraints and interactions via the type system, and using composition to guide the construction of large systems in a way that maintains the original architectural vision.

The book also serves as an introduction to the Cats library. We use abstractions from Cats, and we explain the structure of Cats so you can use it without fear in your own code base. The broad ideas are not specific to Cats, but Cats provides an excellent implementation...

Books  [Martin Odersky] Scala By Example

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This book teaches you Scala through a series of examples. An excellent step-by-step introduction to many of the Scala features with the help of simple code examples.

Topics covered: Programming with Actors and Messages, Expressions and Simple Functions, First-Class Functions, Classes and Objects, Case Classes and Pattern Matching, Generic Types and Methods, Lists, For-Comprehensions, Mutable State, Computing with Streams, Iterators, Lazy Values, Implicit Parameters and Conversions, Hindley/Milner Type Inference, Abstractions for Concurrency.


Books  [Noel Welsh, Dave Gurnell] Essential Scala

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This book is aimed at experienced developers who are encountering Scala for the first time. Put your existing skills to use mastering Scala's combination of object-oriented and functional programming.

The book teaches you Scala from the basics of its syntax to advanced problem solving techniques. We place a heavy focus on developing the functional programming mindset you need to get the most out of the language. Each section has a practical focus, mixing content with in-depth and exercises.

If you are an experienced developer taking your first steps in Scala and want to get up to speed quickly then this is the book for you...

Books  [Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners] Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition: A comprehensive step-by-step guide

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Scala is an object-oriented programming language for the Java Virtual Machine. In addition to being object-oriented, Scala is also a functional language, and combines the best approaches to OO and functional programming.

This book is the authoritative tutorial on the Scala programming language, co-written by the language's designer, Martin Odersky.

In Italian, Scala means a stairway, or steps indeed, Scala lets you step up to a programming environment that incorporates some of the best recent thinking in programming language design while also letting you use all your existing Java code.

Artima is very pleased to publish a new...

Books  [Cay Horstmann] Scala for the Impatient

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Scala is a modern programming language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that combines the best features of object-oriented and functional programming languages. Using Scala, you can write programs more concisely than in Java, as well as leverage the full power of concurrency. Since Scala runs on the JVM, it can access any Java library and is interoperable with Java frameworks.

Scala for the Impatient concisely shows developers what Scala can do and how to do it. In this book, Cay Horstmann, the principal author of the international best-selling Core Java™, offers a rapid, code-based introduction that’s completely practical...

Books  [Alvin Alexander] Scala By Example

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This book provides a quick introduction and overview of the Scala programming language. The book is written in an informal style, and consists of more than 50 small lessons. Each lesson is long enough to give you an idea of how the language features in that lesson work, but short enough that you can read it in fifteen minutes or less.

Packed with code examples, this comprehensive book shows you how to be productive with the language and ecosystem right away. You'll learn why Scala is ideal for building today's highly scalable, data-centric applications, while maximizing developer productivity.

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  • Kleiver
    Отличный материал
  • Podushkodav
    Как всегда материал отличного качества!
  • dyna
    This site is one of the most reliable site ever to get account that are working effectively...
    They made everything absolutely easy. ..
    You have earned my respect.. BRAVO....
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    Это просто огонь!!!!! Прямая передача знаний. аналогов нет
  • AndriyS
    1. Нормальное качество звука и видео.
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    3. Нужно иметь достаточный уровень знаний. Для меня на данный момент это было сложно.
    В целом понравилось. В первую очередь практические задачи. Более наглядно увидел возможности применения алгоритмов.
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    . Качество данного продукта
  • deminavolga
    Отличный курс! Огромное спасибо!