Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Детокс Кафа] [Игорь Кауфман] Микоаллергозы и способы их терапии. Лекция №2 по медицинской микологии (2023)

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Мы поговорим о сенсибилизации организма при грибковых заболеваниях.

Вы получите:
Понимание механизмов воздействия грибов на иммунную систему и развитие аллергической патологии.
Схемы профилактики аллергических заболеваний.
Антирецидивную терапию.

Для кого лекция

любых специализаций
которые хотят освоить интегративный холистический подход к лечению, стремятся расширить свой кругозор в малоосвещаемых темах...

Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Виктория Боровская] Плоский живот PRO (2023)

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Все самое лучшее, только в 3 раза больше!

+14 новых коротких тренировок

На марафоне вы попробовали 10 комплексов, в курс входит 24 основные тренировки разной интенсивности от 10 до 15 минут с весом своего тела, гантелями и пилатес-лентами.

+ 6 новых расширенных тренировок
На марафоне мы делали акцент на укрепление живота, в курсе вас ждут 6 оздоровительных дополнительных тренировок до 30 минут, которые помогут поддержать и улучшить полученные результаты!

+ 8 новых уроков с теорией
Вся теория на марафоне была в формате ответов на ваши вопросы в ходе прямых эфиров, в курсе вас ждут...

Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Ольга Дробышева] Новое тело (2023)

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1 шаг = 1 неделя

1 неделя. Cнимаем напряжение мышц, спазмы, блоки

Которые вызваны сутулостью, перекосами тела, неправильным дыханием, длительным сидением.

2 неделя. Движение. Исправляем осанку упражнениями в 3 плоскостях
И даём мозгу понять, что нам выгоднее двигаться без компенсаций поясницы, плеч, коленей

3 неделя. Адекватные силовые тренировки
Укрепляем мышечный корсет, закрепляем результат, подтягиваем фигуру

-Дыхание против отеков. Задышим полной грудью, раскроем плечи, снимем напряжение с шеи и затылка.
-Обязательный урок для всех, кто проводит сидя хоть какое-то время.
-Убираем скованность...

Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Сандал] [Евгений Ковалевский] Функциональная анатомия детского организма (2023)

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На обучении рассмотрим неврологические нарушения у новорожденных, их причины и последствия, проявления в старшем возрасте, меры профилактики. Основы развития ребенка раннего возраста. Особенности диагностики детей раннего возраста с позиций профилактики, раннего выявления и коррекции неврологических нарушений. Поздние осложнения родовых повреждений и возможности их коррекции с помощью массажных техник

Программа обучения
Функциональная анатомия детского организма:

  • Вступление;
  • Этапы развития ребенка;
  • Особенности развития тканей ребенка: костная, связочная, мышечная системы);
Возрастные особенности развития...

Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Елена Мотова] Микробиом, питание и здоровье (2023)

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Этот вебинар для вас, если вы хотите:

  1. Узнать, как микробиом кишечника меняется в течение жизни
  2. Выяснить, какое питание полезно для микробного сообщества
  3. Разобраться с пробиотиками и пребиотиками
  4. Отличать достоверную информацию от маркетинговых уловок
Содержание вебинара

  • Как работает иммунная система и при чем тут микробиом
  • Кишечник vs мозг: всё сложно
  • Развитие и изменение микробиома в течение жизни
  • Про- и пребиотики: кто есть кто (а ещё эубиотики)
  • Пробиотики при заболеваниях ЖКТ: мифы и реальность
  • Шарлатанские методы оценки и улучшения микробиома
  • Как помочь хорошим...

Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Регина (Curlegina)] Антиандрогенное масло для волос. Рецепт (2023)

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Антиандрогенное масло для волос. Рецепт [Регина (Curlegina)]

Мой рецепт позволит Вам самостоятельно приготовить смесь масел для решения проблем, связанных с частичным облысением ‌по женскому/мужскому типу‌ (андрогенетическая алопеция)‌
Антиандрогенное масло предотвратит истончение волос, снизит выпадение и значительно усилит рост новых волос
  • Без гормонов
  • Без миноксидила
  • Без уколов в голову
‌‌Формат: pdf-файл



Books  [Eiffel.org] Getting Started with Eiffel: Language and Environment

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This resource will let you become familiar with the essentials of the Eiffel programming language and method, and the EiffelStudio environment.

An indispensable resource for anyone working with Eiffel, this up-to-date guide provides full coverage of the most recent version of the language, focusing on Eiffel's practical use in the development of large, mission-critical software systems.

In addition to a comprehensive description of Eiffel's syntax and semantics, you will find in-depth information on style guides, analysis and design, design patterns, and validation and testing. Descriptions and comparisons of available compilers...

Books  [Bertrand Meyer] Touch of Class: Learning to Program Well with Objects and Contracts

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From object technology pioneer and ETH Zurich professor Bertrand Meyer, winner of the Jolt award and the ACM Software System Award, a revolutionary textbook that makes learning programming fun and rewarding. Meyer builds his presentation on a rich object-oriented software system supporting graphics and multimedia, which students can use to produce impressive applications from day one, then understand inside out as they learn new programming techniques.

Unique to Touch of Class is a combination of a practical, hands-on approach to programming with the introduction of sound theoretical support focused on helping students learn the...

Books  [David Powers] Beginning Css3

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Beginning CSS3 teaches you how to style web pages using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)―the language of web design. Starting from first principles, you’ll learn through a series of practical exercises how to change the default look of HTML tags, adding color, backgrounds, and borders. The book demystifies core concepts, such as the CSS box model and selectors, giving you the confidence and knowledge to create innovative and flexible page layouts. You’ll also learn how to create rounded corners, drop shadows, and gradients without the need for images, using the latest CSS3 techniques.


Books  [Nick Hodges] Coding In Delphi

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Coding in Delphi is a new programming book by Nick Hodges that covers a variety of powerful Delphi programming features and techniques including Generics, Interfaces, Exception, Handling, Anonymous Methods, Collections, RTTI, Enumerators, Attributes, Dependency Injection and Unit Testing



Books  [Martin Sikora] Dart Essentials

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About This Book:

  • Build sophisticated, powerful apps using Dart 1.9; learn about the newest libraries and asynchronous APIs
  • Write encapsulated components and apps with Web Components, polymer.dart, and AngularDart
  • Explore Standalone Dart VM with CLI apps, unit testing, and server-side scripting and discover Dart's full potential with C/C++ native extensions
  • Practical, tutorial-based guide with examples in the context of modern web development for mobile and desktop with HTML5 features

Who This Book Is For:

This book is targeted at expert programmers in JavaScript who want to learn...

Books  [Ivo Balbaert] Dart Cookbook

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If you are a Dart developer looking to sharpen your skills, and get insight and tips on how to put that knowledge into practice, then this book is for you.

You should also have a basic knowledge of HTML, and how web applications with browser clients and servers work, in order to build dynamic Dart applications.

What You Will Learn:

  • Set up your Dart environment to achieve the highest productivity
  • Structure, document, test, and deploy your apps
  • Use mixins, reflections, annotations, and other metadata programming techniques to create powerful apps
  • Use the power of modern browsers to process and store data...

Books  [Alessandro Biessek] Flutter For Beginners

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A step-by-step guide to learning Flutter and Dart 2 for creating Android and iOS mobile applications

Key Features:

  • Get up to speed with the basics of Dart programming and delve into Flutter development
  • Understand native SDK and third-party libraries for building Android and iOS applications using Flutter
  • Package and deploy your Flutter apps to achieve native-like performance

Book Description:

Google Flutter is a cross-platform mobile framework that makes it easy to write high-performance apps for Android and iOS. This book will help you get to grips with the basics of the Flutter...

Books  [Tiffany Brown] Css Master

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CSS Master is tailor-made for the web designer or front-end devleoper who's really serious about taking their skills to the next level. Discover how to keep ahead of the game by adhering to best practice and employing the most effective, cutting-edge CSS techniques. Now thoroughly updated in its second edition, this book covers how to:
  • Organize your CSS to create the most efficient and most maintainable code
  • Employ advanced approaches to achieve complex layouts: flexbox, grid layouts, multi-column, and more
  • Use next-level effects: transitions, transforms, filters, animations, and more
  • Combine CSS and SVG to create...

Books  [Pawel Glowacki] Expert Delphi: Robust and Fast Cross-Platform Application Development

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Key Features:

  • A one-stop guide on Delphi to help you build cross-platform apps
  • This book covers important concepts such as the FireMonkey library, shows you how to interact with the Internet of Things, and enables you to integrate with Cloud services
  • The code is explained in detail with observations on how to create native apps for Ios and Android with a single code base

Book Description:

Delphi is the most powerful Object Pascal IDE and component library for cross-platform native app development. It enables building natively compiled, blazingly fast apps for all major platforms...

Books  [Ivo Balbaert] Learning Dart

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Learn how to program applications with Dart 1.0, a language specifically designed to produce betterstructured, highperformance applications

About This Book:

  • Develop apps for the Web using Dart and HTML5
  • Build powerful HTML5 forms, validate and store data in local storage, and use web components to build your own user interface
  • Make games by drawing and integrate audio and video in the browser
  • Learn how to develop an application with the help of a model-driven and fast-paced approach

Who This Book Is For:

If you want to become a web developer, or perhaps you already are a web...

Books  [Gilad Bracha] The DART Programming Language

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Dart is a class-based, object-oriented language that simplifies the development of structured modern apps, scales from small scripts to large applications, and can be compiled to JavaScript for use in any modern browser. In this rigorous but readable introductory text, Dart specification lead Gilad Bracha fully explains both the language and the ideas that have shaped it.

The Dart Programming Language offers an authoritative description of Dart for programmers, computer science students, and other well-qualified professionals. The text illuminates key programming constructs with significant examples, focusing on principles of the...

Books  [Kathy Walrath, Seth Ladd] What is Dart?

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This short ebook describes the Google's Dart language, libraries, and tools that help you develop structured, fast, and maintainable web apps that run in any modern browser. It fully explains both the language and the ideas that have shaped it.

Dart is a class-based, object-oriented language that simplifies the development of structured modern apps, scales from small scripts to large applications, and can be compiled to JavaScript for use in any modern browser.

About the Authors:
  • Kathy is a technical writer who's worked on docs for Chrome and other developer APIs at Google since 2006. Before that, she worked at Sun...

Books  [Marco Breveglieri] Delphi Succinctly

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Learn the fundamentals of Delphi to build a variety of solutions for many devices and platforms. Author Marco Breveglieri will provide you with an overview of Delphi, its principles, its environment, and its use of Object Pascal language so that you can harness its versatility. With Delphi Succinctly, the power of Delphi is at your fingertips.
  1. A First Glance at Delphi
  2. Your First Application
  3. Exploring the IDE
  4. The Object Pascal Language
  5. Object-Oriented Programming with Delphi
  6. Making Real-World Applications
  7. Cross-Platform Development with FireMonkey

Books  [Stanley Warford] Computing Fundamentals: The Theory and Practice of Software Design with BlackBox Component Builder

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The book introduces the reader to computer programming, i.e. algorithms and data structures.

It covers many new programming concepts that have emerged in recent years including object-oriented programming and design patterns.

The book emphasizes the practical aspects of software construction without neglecting their solid theoretical foundation.



Books  [Motaz Abdel Azeem] Start Programming Using Object Pascal

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This book is written for programmers who want to learn the Object Pascal Language. It is also suitable as a first programming book for new students and non-programmers. It illustrates programming techniques in general in addition to the Object Pascal Language.


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