Books  [Wikipedia Contributors] Structured Query Language (SQL)

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This book provides a short description of SQL, its origins, basic concepts and components, and many examples. The book follows the specifications of the SQL:2011 standard developed by a common committee of ISO and IEC.

It delivers clear examples with an easy-to-follow approach to teach you the tools you need to build and manage your own databases.
  • Move quickly through SQL basics and several advanced features
  • Use SQL data statements to generate, manipulate, and retrieve data
  • Create database objects, such as tables, indexes, and constraints with SQL schema statements
  • Learn how datasets interact with queries; understand...

Books  [Philip Greenspun] SQL for Web Nerds

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SQL, or structured query language, is theinternational standard language for creating and maintainingrelational databases. It is the basis of all major databases in usetoday and is essential for the storage and retrieval of database information.

This book covers data modeling, simple queries, complex queries, transactions, triggers, views, style, PL/SQL, trees, handling dates in Oracle, limits in Oracle, tuning, data warehousing, foreign and legacy data and normalization.



Books  [Alan Beaulieu] Learning SQL: Generate, Manipulate, and Retrieve Data

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As data floods into your company, you need to put it to work right away―and SQL is the best tool for the job. With the latest edition of this introductory guide, author Alan Beaulieu helps developers get up to speed with SQL fundamentals for writing database applications, performing administrative tasks, and generating reports. You’ll find new chapters on SQL and big data, analytic functions, and working with very large databases.

Each chapter presents a self-contained lesson on a key SQL concept or technique using numerous illustrations and annotated examples. Exercises let you practice the skills you learn. Knowledge of SQL is a...

Books  [Nick Harrison] SQL Queries Succinctly

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SQL is the language of data, and therefore the intermediary language for those who straddle the line between technology and business. Every business application needs a database and SQL is the key to working with these databases.

This book will show you how to craft queries in SQL, from basic CRUD statements and slicing and dicing the data, to applying filters and using aggregate functions to summarize the data. You will look at solving common problems, navigating hierarchical data, and exploring the data dictionary.
  1. Introduction
  2. Basic CRUD
  3. More Advanced CRUD
  4. Slicing and Dicing Data
  5. Selecting From Yourself
  6. It's...

Books  [Rahul Batra] A Primer on SQL, 3rd Edition

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This book is an introduction to the basics of SQL. No prior experience with SQL is necessary, but some knowledge of working with computers in general is required. My purpose of writing this was to provide a gentle tutorial on the syntax of SQL, so that the reader is able to recognize the parts of queries they encounter and even be able to write simple SQL statements and queries themselves. The book however is not intended as a reference work or for a full time database administrator since it does not have an exaustive topic coverage.

About the Authors
  • Rahul Batra was first introduced to programming in 1996 in GWBASIC...

Books  [Bobby Iliev] Introduction to SQL

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SQL was, is and always will be the database language for relational database systems such as Oracle, DB2, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.

This is an open-source introduction to SQL guide that will help you learn the basics of SQL and start using relational databases for your SysOps, DevOps, and Dev projects. No matter if you are a DevOps/SysOps engineer, developer, or just a Linux enthusiast, you will most likely have to use SQL at some point in your career.

Build a core level of competency in SQL so you can recognize the parts of queries and write simple SQL statements. SQL knowledge is essential for anyone involved in...

Books  [James R. Groff, Paul N. Weinberg, Andrew J. Oppel] SQL The Complete Reference

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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

The Definitive Guide to SQL

Get comprehensive coverage of every aspect of SQL from three leading industry experts. Revised with coverage of the latest RDBMS software versions, this one-stop guide explains how to build, populate, and administer high-performance databases and develop robust SQL-based applications.

SQL: The Complete Reference, Third Edition shows you how to work with SQL commands and statements, set up relational databases, load...

Books  [Oscar Nierstrasz, Stéphane Ducasse, Damien Pollet] Squeak by Example

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Squeak is a modern open-source development environment for the classic Smalltalk-80 programming language. This book, intended for both students and developers, will guide you gently through the language and tools by means of a series of examples and exercises. We are making this book available to you under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. You can either download the PDF for free from, or you can buy a softcover copy from (You can also pay for the PDF download from, if you would like to make a contribution to this effort.) Additional material is available from the book's...

Books  [Franck Jedrzejewski] Mathematical Theory Of Music

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Collection : Musique/Sciences Format : 18 x 26 cm Pagination : 352 Material : Book Language : English Date of publication : 2006 Code EAN : 9782752100238 Category : Science of music



Books  [Duane Sharp] Call Center Operation: Design, Operation, and Maintenance

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Every customer-facing corporation has at least one call center. In the United States, call centers handle a billion calls per year. Call Center Operation gives you complete coverage of the critical issues involved in the design, implementation, organization, and management of a customer call center. Sharp provides information on advanced technology tools for workforce management, workshop examples for training call center staff, and an analysis of the significance of the call center to overall corporate customer relationship strategies.
A special feature of the book is its focus on call center case studies, describing a number of...

Books  [JungHyun Han] 3d Graphics For Game Programming

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Designed for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate courses, 3D Graphics for Game Programming presents must-know information for success in interactive graphics. Assuming a minimal prerequisite understanding of vectors and matrices, it also provides sufficient mathematical background for game developers to combine their previous experience in graphics API and shader programming with the background theory of computer graphics.

Well organized and logically presented, this book takes its organizational format from GPU programming and presents a variety of algorithms for programmable stages along with the knowledge required to...

Books  [Ph.D. John P Flynt, Boris Meltreger] Beginning Math Concepts For Game Developers

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Successful game programmers understand that in order to take their skills beyond the basics, they must have an understanding of central math topics; however, finding a guide that explains how these topics relate directly to games is not always easy. Beginning Math Concepts for Game Developers is the solution! It includes several hands-on activities in which basic math equations are used for the creation of graphs and, ultimately, animations. By the time you finish, you will have developed a complete application from the ground up that allows you to endlessly explore game development scenarios for 2D games. If you have a basic...

Books  [Ekkehard Kopp] Probability for Finance (Mastering Mathematical Finance)

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Students and instructors alike will benefit from this rigorous, unfussy text, which keeps a clear focus on the basic probabilistic concepts required for an understanding of financial market models, including independence and conditioning. Assuming only some calculus and linear algebra, the text develops key results of measure and integration, which are applied to probability spaces and random variables, culminating in central limit theory. Consequently it provides essential prerequisites to graduate-level study of modern finance and, more generally, to the study of stochastic processes. Results are proved carefully and the key...

Books  [Harry Lewis, Rachel Zax] Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science

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A more intuitive approach to the mathematical foundation of computer science

Discrete mathematics is the basis of much of computer science, from algorithms and automata theory to combinatorics and graph theory. This textbook covers the discrete mathematics that every computer science student needs to learn. Guiding students quickly through thirty-one short chapters that discuss one major topic each, this flexible book can be tailored to fit the syllabi for a variety of courses.

Proven in the classroom, Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science aims to teach mathematical reasoning as well as concepts and skills by...

Books  [Tony Croft, Robert Davison, Martin Hargreave] Engineering Mathematics: A Foundation for Electronic, Electrical, Communications, and Systems Engineers

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This important new edition provides a complete course in engineering mathematics for degree and diploma students in electronic, electrical, systems and telecommunications engineering. It can be used throughout 1st and 2nd year degree programmes. It is also extremely relevant to the growing areas of computer, software and design engineering. The authors are experienced teachers of mathematics to engineering students. They have written several highly acclaimed textbooks in this area.Available with this text is a CD-based testing and assessment package, with interactive multi-choice, multi-answer and hot-spot questions that allow...

Books  [Thomas Mazzoni] A First Course in Quantitative Finance

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This new and exciting book offers a fresh approach to quantitative finance and utilises novel features, including stereoscopic images which permit 3D visualisation of complex subjects without the need for additional tools. Offering an integrated approach to the subject, A First Course in Quantitative Finance introduces students to the architecture of complete financial markets before exploring the concepts and models of modern portfolio theory, derivative pricing and fixed income products in both complete and incomplete market settings. Subjects are organised throughout in a way that encourages a gradual and parallel learning process...

Books  [Theoni Pappas] Numbers and Other Math Ideas Come Alive

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Most people don’t think about numbers, or take them for granted. For the average person numbers are looked upon as cold, clinical, inanimate objects. Math ideas are viewed as something to get a job done or a problem solved. Get ready for a big surprise with Numbers and Other Math Ideas Come Alive. Pappas explores mathematical ideas by looking behind the scenes of what numbers, points, lines, and other concepts are saying and thinking. In each story, properties and characteristics of math ideas are entertainingly uncovered and explained through the dialogues and actions of its math characters. In fact, you forget that you are actually...

Books  [Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto] Modern Information Retrieval: The Concepts and Technology Behind Search

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This is a rigorous and complete textbook for a first course on information retrieval from the computer science perspective. It provides an up-to-date student oriented treatment of information retrieval including extensive coverage of new topics such as web retrieval, web crawling, open source search engines and user interfaces.

From parsing to indexing, clustering to classification, retrieval to ranking, and user feedback to retrieval evaluation, all of the most important concepts are carefully introduced and exemplified. The contents and structure of the book have been carefully designed by the two main authors, with individual...

Дизайн  [Инфоурок] Графический дизайн (2023)

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  • Графика и дизайн


Программа профессиональной переподготовки разработана с учетом требований Приказа от 1 июля 2013 г. № 499 Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации «Об утверждении Порядка организации и осуществления образовательной деятельности по дополнительным профессиональным программам». Программа направлена на формирование и развитие у слушателей профессиональных, а также практических компетенций, необходимых для выполнения нового вида профессиональной деятельности, предусмотренных требованиями к квалификации графического дизайнера, также на изучение вопросов формирования у обучающихся системы знаний научно обоснованных методов и...

Психотерапия  [EduNote] Эмиграция как травма и травматический аспект эмиграции (2024)

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  • Психотерапия


Как насчет внутреннего конфликта эмигранта? Что запускает динамику переезда этого сложного и неудобного поступка, влекущего за собой множество потерь?
Во французской школе есть работы посвященные эмиграции, огромное количество авторов ссылаются на Франсуа Дюпарка.

Психоаналитики с 1933 года столкнулись со своими отъездами, побывали в роли эмигранта и в роли аналитика эмигрантов, но отдельного корпуса литературы классического психоанализа по этому вопросу не было.

Классической считается работа Салмана Ахтара "Третья идентичность эмигранта"(1995), посвященная формированию идентичности человека в чужом и новом пространстве. Она основана...

Пикап / Соблазнение  [Татьяна Кныш] Имидж флирта и скрытые символы (2024)

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  • Пикап / Соблазнения / Знакомства


Флирт- это не секс!
Здесь нет места откровенным нарядам и поведению.
Это про элегантную женственность с изюминкой))

Для кого этот мастер-класс:
  • Для тех, кому надоело быть ломовой лошадью и хочется чувствовать себя привлекательной женщиной
  • Для замужних женщин, которые хотят быть желанными, выглядеть потрясающе и восхищать, поддерживать интерес своего мужчины;
  • Для тех, кто только в поиске и хочет привлечь достойного мужчину в свою жизнь;
  • Для тех, кто хочет ловить на себе восхищённые взгляды и восхищение;
  • Кто хочет быть всегда в "тонусе" и "с огоньком в глазах";
  • Для тех, кто хочет чувствовать себя женственной и...

Рукоделие  [Дмитрий Руденский] Весёлый тролль (2024)

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  • Рукоделие


Материал: Пластичный гипс, акриловые краски.
Техника: Ручная лепка

В МК вы создадите скульптуру-тайник тролля полностью вылепленную из пластичного гипса своими руками без использования специальных форм и молдов.
МК будет проходить в закрытой группе в ВК обязательно с поддержкой мастера.
Работа подходит для начинающих без опыта в лепке.



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