Бизнес  [OpenAI] Заработок на нейросетях

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Вся необходимая информация для того, чтобы начать зарабатывать в интернете, используя искусственный интеллект.

  • Что это за курс?
  • Основы.
  • Примеры заработка.
  • Список нейросетей.
  • Как же всё-таки зарабатывать?
  • Заключение.


Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Андрей Щинов] Объективные критерии здоровья (2023)

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За два дня вы научитесь и сможете:

1. Без аппаратуры измерять уровень углекислого газа в крови
2. Проводить экспресс-тест на дисбактериоз, используя бытовой рН-метр
3. Правильно оценивать полученные данные
4. Выбрать кратчайший путь к достижению реального здоровья с опорой на объективные показатели
5. Помочь себе в экстренной ситуации (острая кишечная инфекция, острая респираторная инфекция)

Уровень углекислого газа в крови – важнейший фактор адекватного тканевого дыхания. Есть этому доказательства? Есть.
Следовательно, это важнейший показатель нашего здоровья. Почему?
Потому, что его отклонения от нормы приведут к гипоксии мозга...

Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Максим Волков] [Grand Secret] Антицеллюлитный стуон массаж (2023)

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Стоун-массаж - красивая процедура, направленная на усиление лимфотока, детоксикацию организма, устранение спазмов в мышцах и расслабление.


  1. Лимфодренаж
  2. Передняя поверхность ног
  3. Декольте, руки и живот
  4. Спина
  5. Задняя поверхность ног
  6. Завершение массажа
Результат: Вы научитесь выполнять антицеллюлитные приемы стоун-массажа.

- Пошаговые видеоуроки для самостоятельного изучения.
- Для практикующих массажистов, которые хотят разнообразить свою технику экзотическими приемами.

Автор - Максим Волков

Руководитель школы массажа «Grand secret»
Практикующий массажист с 1999 года

Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Максим Волков] [Grand Secret] Мастер-класс по составлению программ при работе со сколиозом (2023)

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Для кого этот мастер-класс?

Мастер-класс будет полезен тем, кто работает или хочет работать с проблемами позвоночника и сколиозами.

Что будет на мастер-классе?
Расскажем о причинах и механизмах развития сколиоза.
Научим составлять программу по работе со сколиозами.
Разберем реальные случаи и полученные результаты.

Автор - Максим Волков
Руководитель школы массажа «Grand secret»
Практикующий массажист с 1999 года
Специалист по прикладной кинезиологии и остеопатическим техникам



Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Максим Волков] [Grand Secret] Тригерные точки. Теория. Урок 1 (2023)

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Тригерные точки. Теория. Урок 1 [Максим Волков] [Grand Secret]

Прямой эфир с Максимом Волковым, который рассказывает, как работать с триггерными точками.

Автор - Максим Волков
Руководитель школы массажа «Grand secret»
Практикующий массажист с 1999 года
Специалист по прикладной кинезиологии и остеопатическим техникам



Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Игорь Атрощенко] Омолаживающий массаж лица. Испанская техника (2020)

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1. Предварительная проработка шеи.
2. Нейтральное поглаживание
3. Нейтральное поглаживание - Разбор ошибок
4. Разминание лица 1 к 2 перекрестное
5. Разминание лица 1 к 4 перекрестное
6. Этапы освоения приема разминание
7. Разбор ошибок - разминание лица
8. Разминание лица 1 к 4 перекрестное
9. Разминание лица фалангами
10. Проработка круговой мышцы глаза
11. Разминание бровей указательным пальцем
12. Разминание бровей дигитальное
13. Дополнительные приемы разминания лица
14. Вибрация лица.
15. Испанский миофасциальный массаж лица - Все приемы


Здоровье / Внешний вид  [Игорь Атрощенко] Быстрые техники работы с коленями (2021)

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Быстрые техники работы с коленями [Игорь Атрощенко]

Вы заметили, что операции на коленях предлагают даже чаще, чем операции по замене межпозвонковых дисков?
И во многих случаях у пациентов есть все шансы избежать оперативного лечения и полностью восстановиться консервативными методами.
Более того – на практике зачастую удаётся значительно снять боль в коленях или даже полностью её устранить уже на первом сеансе.
Разумеется, речь идёт не о блокадах, не об инъекциях и вообще речь не о фармакотерапии…
Для эффективной работы нам необходимо понимание биомеханики движения коленных суставов и навык индивидуального подбора лечебных манипуляций...

Books  [Microsoft] Programming C# for Beginners

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These tutorials teach your how to build applications with C# one step at a time. Ideal for those with fundamental programming skills, these tutorials provides practical, learn-by-doing exercises for mastering core C# language features and creating working applications and components for Windows.



Books  [Mahesh Chand] Programming XML with C#

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This is a book written in step-by-step tutorial format for beginners and students who want to learn XML programming using C# language. It is recommended that you have some programming experience using any of the object-oriented languages such as C++, Pascal, or Java.



Books  [Joe Booth] Regular Expressions Succinctly

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In Regular Expressions Succinctly, author Joe Booth teaches Visual Studio developers how regular expressions can help solve basic programming problems. By introducing patterns and rules to your C# strings, you can eliminate the need to write your own complex code for text manipulation. You'll learn to search for numbers, characters, symbols, and more, as well as enable your code to identify and reproduce patterns. Steps for creating and testing your own regular expressions are also included.


Books  [Rob Miles] Windows Phone Programming in C#

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This book is an introduction to Windows Phone development using C# for anyone learning to program. It contains 8 sections with labs, PowerPoint presentations, demos and detailed notes. Working code examples are in the C# Programming Language.



Books  [Svetlin Nakov] Programming Basics with C#

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This book introduces the readers to writing programming code at beginner level (variables and data, conditional statements, loops and methods) using the C# language. It combines tutorial-style learning content with video lessons, code examples and a lot of practical coding exercises with automated online evaluation (judge) system to ensure efficient learning.



Books  [Neil Smyth] C# Essentials

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The C# Essentials online book contains 28 chapters of detailed information intended to provide everything necessary to gain proficiency as a C# programmer.

The book begins with a detailed overview of the C# development and runtime environment with overviews of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), Common Intermediate Language (CIL) and Virtual Execution System (VES) followed by simple steps to creating both Windows and console based C# applications.

A number of chapters are dedicated to the fundamentals of the C# programming language, including topics such as variables, constants, operators, flow control, looping and object oriented...

Books  [Rob Miles] The C# Yellow Book

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Learn C# from first principles the Rob Miles way. With jokes, puns, and a rigorous problem solving based approach.

This book offers several hands-on labs along the way to help you build and test programs using skills you've learned up to that point. In the final lab, you'll put everything together. From objects to garbage collection and from exceptions to interactions, you'll learn C# in a way that engages and entertains your brain.

If you have not programmed before, do not worry. Programming is not rocket science it is, well, programming. The bad news about learning to program is that you get hit with a lot of ideas and concepts at...

Books  [Larry O'Brien, Bruce Eckel] Thinking in C#

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This book gives a good start and Complete introduction for C# Programming for Beginner’s. While reading this book it is fun and easy to read it. This book is best suitable for first time C# readers, Covers all fast track topics of C# for all Computer Science students and Professionals.

Written in the proven style of Eckel's award winning Thinking in Java!-- Hundreds of self-contained example programs move the reader to test, extend, and apply lessons learned.

About the Authors
  • Larry O’Brien is a Sr. Content Production Manager for Xamarin technologies at Microsoft.

Books  [Neil Smyth] C# 11 Programming Essentials

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Whether you are a first-time programmer or an experienced coder wanting to learn C#, this is the book for you. It is designed to get you programming quickly by explaining core concepts and providing the essential code needed. Read the book from beginning to end and then use it as a quick reference for the code you need.

About the Authors
  • Neil Smyth is co-founder and CEO of Payload Media, an internet and eBook publishing company based in the U.S. Prior to launching Payload Media, Neil held a number of positions in the IT industry including programming, web development, systems administration and sales and marketing and...

Books  [Patrick Felicia] A Quick Guide to C# with Unity

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Why this book can help you to get started fast with C# in Unity

It can be intimidating to start with Unity, and while several books can provide comprehensive information, you may, like many other readers, just want to focus on a particular topic and get started fast

This book is part of a series entitled A Quick Guide To, and does just this. In this book series, you have the opportunity to get started on a particular topic in less than 60 minutes, delving right into the information that you really need. Of course, you can, after reading this book, move-on to more comprehensive books; however, quite often, you may have little time to...

Books  [Patrick Felicia] C# Programming from Zero to Proficiency (Beginner)

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Stop Trying to Learn C# the Hard way.

Without my book, most people spend too long trying to learn C# the hard way. This book is the only one that will get you to learn C# fast without wasting so much time. It includes four chapters that painlessly teach you the necessary skills to master C# and to create your first apps.

What You Will Learn:

After completing this book, you will be able to:

  • Create your own C# application.
  • Understand how to create and use different types of variables (e.g., arrays, lists, dictionaries, strings, integers, or floats).
  • Employ some very useful structures such as conditional statements or...

Books  [Krzysztof Kowalczyk] Essential C#

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This book written to provide clear and concise explanation of topics for programmers both starting to learn the C# programming language as well as those diving in more complex topics. Most examples are linked to online playground that allows you to change the code and re-run it.

You can also quickly navigate to desired content using table of content on the left and search at the top (tip: you can navigate search using only a keyboard with '/' shortcut to start a search).

About the Authors
  • Krzysztof Kowalczyk worked at Microsoft, Palm, BitTorrent, OpenDNS (acquired by Cisco) and a few small Silicon Valley startups.

Books  [Kurt Normark] Object-oriented Programming in C# for C and Java Programmers

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This is a book about object-oriented programming, illustrated with use of the programming language C#. It is assumed, as a prerequisite, that the readers have some knowledge about imperative programming, preferably knowledge about C or Java.
  • Master the fundamentals of object-oriented programming
  • Work through a case study to see how C# and OOP work in a real-world application
  • Develop techniques and best practices that lead to efficient, reusable, elegant code
  • Discover how to transform a simple model of an application into a fully-functional C# project.

Books  [Simon Kendal] Object Oriented Programming using C#

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This book will explain the Object Oriented approach to programming and through the use of small exercises in C#, for which feedback is provided, develop some practical skills as well.

At the end of the book one larger case study will be used to illustrate the application of the techniques. This will culminate in the development of a complete C# program which can be downloaded with this book.

Topics covered include: Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Object Oriented Software Analysis and Design, The Unified Modelling Language (UML), Agile Programming and Test Driven Development

This, the second edition of this book, demonstrates...

Books  [Poul Klausen] C# 1: Introduction to programming and the C# language

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The book is a practical basic introduction to programming and C# that introduces basic principles of object-oriented programming and also deals with the C# programming language through a collection of simple examples. The goal is to provide the basic knowledge needed to develop complete applications and to move on to more specialized topics in programming. In addition to the basic concepts the book also deals with collection classes, and files with emphasis on object serializing. The book concludes with two slightly larger examples, which deal with the books many concepts in a larger context.

About the Authors
  • Poul...

Books  [Wikibooks Contributors] C# Programming

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C# (pronounced "See Sharp") is a multi-purpose computer programming language suitable for a wide variety of development needs.

This WikiBook introduces C# language fundamentals and covers a variety of the base class libraries (BCL) provided by the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Whether you are a first-time programmer or an experienced coder wanting to learn C#, this is the book for you. It is designed to get you programming quickly by explaining core concepts and providing the essential code needed. Read C# Fundamentals from beginning to end and then use it as a quick reference for the code you need.


Books  [Joseph Albahari] Threading in C#

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C# supports parallel execution of code through multithreading. A thread is an independent execution path, able to run simultaneously with other threads.

This book teaches the essential skill of asynchronous programming in C#. It answers critical questions in C# application development, such as: how do I keep my program responding at all times to keep my users happy? how do I make the most of the available hardware? how can I improve performance?

In the modern world, users expect more and more from their applications and devices, and multi-core hardware has the potential to provide it. But it takes carefully crafted code to turn...

Books  [Robert C. Martin, Micah Martin] Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#

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With the award-winning book Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices, Robert C. Martin helped bring Agile principles to tens of thousands of Java and C++ programmers. Now .NET programmers have a definitive guide to agile methods with this completely updated volume from Robert C. Martin and Micah Martin, Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#.

This book presents a series of case studies illustrating the fundamentals of Agile development and Agile design, and moves quickly from UML models to real C# code. The introductory chapters lay out the basics of the agile movement, while the later chapters show proven...
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